Description #
Google Classroom is a tool designed exclusively for the educational world. Its mission is to enable collaborative classroom management via the Internet, being a platform for learning management. Allows the management of online lessons, including blended ones. Google Classroom allows you to create documents, share information and data, and hold virtual meetings. Trainers and students can access their “classes”, notes, assigned tasks, etc. from any device.
How to get it #
Why recommended #
Pros #
– Easy installation, centralized platform
– Creation of assignments, real-time feedback
– Integration with Google tools, spaces for online discussion
– Insights into student engagement (Analytics)
– Accessibility features, multilingual support
– Free for educators and students
Cons #
– Limited customization, basic gradebook
– Limited grading options, no plagiarism detection
– May require Google account
– Limitations in data export
– Configuration required for full accessibility
– Premium features require subscription
Application to the VET Area #
Work-based training
Tutoring and accompaniment
Support for business creation
Level #
How to use this tool #
Google Classroom is an online learning environment and training management platform that allows instructors to digitally deliver course content to a wide range of students, communicate with students, and track learning. Regarding evaluation, Google Classroom allows you to: assign a numerical evaluation to student tests; create and set up evaluation grids; use originality reports; evaluate and monitor guided exercise tasks; obtain information on Classroom Data, such as: homework completion percentage; percentages of active students; details of the tasks completed by the students. Google Classroom allows interaction and feedback, even in real time.
In the context of Professional Training, Google Classroom can be used as a tool that enables and systematizes the management of the learning evaluation process in the various areas of Training, Work-based Training and, in certain aspects, Support for self-entrepreneurship and business creation. Considering the nature of tutoring and support for job placement, which is mainly based on support for the acquisition of soft skills and transversal skills, the evaluation features of Google Classroom do not seem particularly relevant.
Training #
– Enables the monitoring and evaluation of learning
– It allows you to obtain the analysis of data and information relating to individual paths and learning
– It allows you to create evaluation grids managed via the platform
– It allows interaction and feedback, even in real time
Work-based training #
– Enables the monitoring and evaluation of learning
– It allows you to obtain the analysis of data and information relating to individual paths and learning
– It allows you to create evaluation grids managed via the platform
– It allows interaction and feedback, even in real time
Support for self-entrepreneurship and business creation #
– Enables the monitoring and evaluation of learning
– It allows you to obtain the analysis of data and information relating to individual paths and learning
– It allows you to create evaluation grids managed via the platform
– It allows interaction and feedback, even in real time
Practical Resources #
Google Classroom Tutorial
19:29 min
Google Classroom creating a class and adding mkembers
3:04 min
Creating Quizzes in Google Classroom
15:40 min
Further reading and suggestions #
– What is Google Classroom?
– Get started with Google Classroom
– Help in the classroom
– Advantages of online learning
– How to motivate students in an online learning environment