Description #
OpenBoard is an open source, cross-platform learning software. It can be used with interactive whiteboards and via dual-screen setups with a pen-tablet display and a beamer.
OpenBoard allows, in the context of distance learning, to record video lessons (podcasts) and conduct interactive lessons using the whiteboard. Supported platforms are Windows (7+), macOS (10.9+), and Linux.
How to get it #
Why recommended #
Pros #
– Open source
– Universities are among the main contributors
– Source code on Github
– User-friendly and engaging interface
– Large community using it
Cons #
– Moderation may be necessary
– Limited evaluation features, integration may be necessary
– The internal forum is no longer supported
Application to the VET Area #
Work-based training
Tutoring and accompaniment
Support for business creation
Level #
How to use this tool #
In the context of Training, OpenBoard enables the creation of interactive presentations and lessons that adapt to various learning styles. OpenBoard can integrate multimedia resources, allows annotations and saving work for subsequent sessions.
In Work-Based Training, OpenBoard can be used as a visual communication and collaboration tool. In workplaces that require technical training or a detailed understanding of processes, OpenBoard can be used to illustrate workflows, create step-by-step guides, and conduct real-time collaborative sessions.
As regards to Support to work inclusion and job placement, OpenBoard can be used to facilitate the visual expression of ideas and interaction.
As part of the Support for self-entrepreneurship and business creation, OpenBoard offers support for the brainstorming and collaborative development phases (marketing strategies, product development etc.).
Training #
– Enables visual interaction and collaboration
Work-based training #
– Enables visual interaction and collaboration
Tutoring and support for job placement #
– Enables visual interaction and collaboration
Support for self-entrepreneurship and business creation #
– Enables visual interaction and collaboration
Practical Resources #
Introduction to OpenBoard
8:56 min
Openboard – Use the basic tools
4:18 min
Using OpenBoard to Structure Interactive Lessons
53:04 min
Further reading and suggestions #
– OpenBoard repository
– OpenBoard Github Wiki
– OpenBoard on Wikipedia