Description #
The SAM model (Successive Approximation Model) is an iterative and collaborative approach for developing courses and educational materials. Unlike other traditional models, it promotes agile design and development. It is divided into eight phases that develop cyclically: “Agile Planning”, “Analysis”, “Design”, “Development”, “Iterative Design”, “Iterative Development”, “Review” and “Wrap-up”. This model places an emphasis on continuous stakeholder engagement and the ability to make changes and improvements throughout the development process, making it particularly suitable for projects that require flexibility, rapid response, and constant interaction with end users. The SAM model, building on interaction and engagement, aims to reduce the risks of costly errors and improve the overall quality of learning materials through iterative and cyclical review.
How to get it #
Why recommended #
Pros #
– AGILE approach
– Continuous involvement of interested parties
– Adaptability to changes and reduction of the risk of misalignment between design and implementation
– Progressive and participatory improvement
Cons #
– Management complexity
– Design and management commitment comparatively higher than that required by other models
– Requires specific analysis and feedback management skills
– It requires the involvement of Stakeholders at every stage of the process
Application to the VET Area #
Work-based training
Tutoring and accompaniment
Support for business creation
Level #
How to use this tool #
Training: SAM model involves “early prototyping,” which requires trainers and users to test and evaluate teaching methodologies and training materials early in the design and implementation journey. This cyclical process of design, development and evaluation, repeated several times, ensures that the content is highly personalized and meets the needs and objectives of the learning path. The SAM model is, therefore, inspired by the logic of continuous improvement, which is made possible by the systematic process of collecting and analyzing feedback and progressive adaptation.
Work-based training: Agile Curriculum Development. SAM’s iterative and agile approach allows for continuous improvement and adaptation of methodologies and content based on real-world experiences. This is a notable advantage in all cases in which the training has content that is not only or not so much theoretical, but above all practical and applicative. Rapid Skill Enhancement. SAM allows the development and implementation of modules specifically designed for on-the-job training, through the application of the successive approximation’s method.
Tutoring and support for work inclusion and job placement: Personalized learning paths. The iterative design of the SAM model allows the creation of personalized learning paths. The use of the model can, therefore, improve the effectiveness of the coaching sessions, outlining and progressively adapting the objectives and actions based on the outcomes of the activities. The emphasis placed by the SAM model on stakeholder involvement and iterative development allows tutors and mentors to create targeted and shared interventions with agencies, associations, institutions and businesses, thus reducing the risk of misalignment between the objectives of the paths and existing needs in the job market.
Support for self-entrepreneurship and business creation: Entrepreneurship training. The flexibility of the SAM model is particularly useful for developing training programs in this area. The use of the model can, therefore, improve the effectiveness of the coaching sessions, outlining and progressively adapting the objectives and actions based on the outcomes of the activities. Prototyping and Iteration. The SAM model’s emphasis on stakeholder engagement and iterative development allows tutors and mentors to effectively support learners as they chart their own professional and entrepreneurial paths.
Training #
– Enables “early prototyping” and iteration via the AGILE approach
– Enables continuous improvement through the analysis of user and stakeholder feedback in the development and evaluation phases (successive approximations)
Work-based training #
– Enables “early prototyping” and iteration via the AGILE approach
– Enables continuous improvement through the analysis of user and stakeholder feedback in the development and evaluation phases (successive approximations)
Tutoring and support for job placement #
– Enables “early prototyping” and iteration via the AGILE approach
– Enables continuous improvement through the analysis of user and stakeholder feedback in the development and evaluation phases (successive approximations)
Support for self-entrepreneurship and business creation #
– Enables “early prototyping” and iteration via the AGILE approach
– Enables continuous improvement through the analysis of user and stakeholder feedback in the development and evaluation phases (successive approximations)
Practical Resources #
Segment Anything Model (SAM)
3:37 min
ADDIE vs. SAM for eLearning
4:28 min
The SAM instructional design model – in LESS than 2 minutes!
1:38 min
Further reading and suggestions #
– Segment Anything Model (SAM): a new AI model from Meta AI
– Successive Approximation Model (SAM)
– How to Use the Segment Anything Model (SAM)